just in the course of my doctoral work

[click image]


I have been hitting the bastions of Out There again, just to keep that half an eye out for new plot twists. I just want to mention this little bulletin at the top of David's blog.
Friday 4/11: PLEASE NOTE: Not surprisingly, the US again refused to sign the deal to give BRICS their fair share of control of the world financial system in meetings on April 10th and 11th in Washington DC. Additionally, JP Morgan has cut off banking services for all foreign diplomats in the US. We are modifying and updating our next post in response to these major developments.
Excuse me.

Perhaps it's just sloppily-worded, but, well, since when has the United States had the power to sign control of the world financial system, or any part thereof, over to themselves or anyone else?

Did I miss something? Is it already a global dictatorship and I've just been crying over spilt milk all these years?


And can't diplomats use any bank they want?


What world financial system?