i just made some mayonnaise

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I did not follow this woman's advice about the oil, and you shouldn't either. In order to make olive oil light-tasting, they have to take out all the healthy part and leave only the unhealthy part. Don't do that! I used walnut oil and I used apple cider vinegar. I put a drap of dijon in, a snibbitz of garlic, plus sea salt and black pepper. Darn tasty. Toadally nutritious and a good way to stock up on the good fats when eating lean meats.

I am going to slather it on sliced roast chicken breast lunchmeat that I'm using like tortillas. I'm rolling cheese and pickles and onions and baby greens in chicken breast "tortillas" today.

Because I have been brazening my way into my fog in pursuit of my vanished chi for so long, I am beginning to get the lights back to keep improving my culinary experience and my metabolism. It gets better and better. I could look at a site full of gorgeous images of spectacular baked goods last night and not really even feel a pang. A vague nostalgia was all. Doable. Totally doable... and I don't feel sorry for myself much anymore either.

It's taken me a while to realize I can eat mayonnaise again. I cut it out nearly twenty years ago because it was, I thought, just adding calories to my sandwiches. All along I should have been cutting out the bread and making amazingly healthy mayo to slather on my lunch instead. Of course, no one was around to point out the error of my ways back then.... Anyway, this was a total snap, and very satisfying.

I am remembering my gourmet chef fresh-off-the-boat Frenchman who mystified me by whipping up some mayonnaise for me behind my back. I was a sandwich goddess. I am a sandwich goddess. I'd brought him home to feed him lunch and then found the mayonnaise situation to be utterly unacceptable... as in so close to completely gone as to make it useless to try. I whined.

Gerald [zhairrald] said, "Don't woorree baaybee. I'll feexeet." I'd just gone in to wash my hands and there was mayonnaise in the kitchen by the time I got back. I was soooo impressed.

So. If you won't use this to improve your vitality, energy and spirit, you can at least impress girls with it.