i just keep hearing big dan screeching about space aliens

[right click image, download mp3]


Will you please listen? We are not, necessarily, talking space aliens! This is serious business and we're all jackasses for continually defaulting to our conditioning... our entrainment... our doom.

Some of us are out here trying to use our daily efforts toward liberating suffering sentient beings, swimming around in our own soup, enduring the patronization of friends and family and acquaintances and a quantum of trolls, to help you out, to help everyone out. I'm not important. This is important. I don't say this stuff because I want to be taken seriously when nobody ever listens to me. I am saying it because your whole life does depend on you listening.

That's why I'm going to this conference in June. I'm scrambling around for things like use of a good enough laptop so I can blog from the conference... live blog the conference... probably not exactly as you have come to know live blogging... but who can even trust convention anymore, and, as I say, this is important. Through it, it is just possible you might finally get the crucial insight necessary to jog you out of the mass hypnosis and back into your own life... maybe even, for some, into their own lives for the first time since they were a year old!


Just in case you want to listen to that interview she recommended....