i gotta mention it
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I have, as you have been noticing I'm sure, been paying a lot of attention to news and analysis in respect to the destabilization of Ukraine and the escalation in the project of vilifying Vladimir Putin. I have not linked quite a bit of it because so much of it is beside the point. The point, as far as I am concerned, is that our government is pulling out all the stops in an obvious attempt to piss off Putin to the point where he does something stupid. I just keep hearing Knopfler singing "they wanna have a war to stop industrial disease".
I am annoyed by so much of it and the noise of that song continually coming up while trying to wade through it. How many times can I link Parenti explaining about your fucking liberal complaints where radical analysis belongs before something blows up? Or... simply turns to powder before our very uncomprehending eyes? They are indeed being reckless, because they can, and you're either too stupid or too pusillanimous to stop them, but they are not stupid or incompetent. The one thing they need, the only thing they need, is masses convinced there is a menace to humanity with nukes.
They need it in order to have their war... World War III.
Yes, they have industrial disease, but, no, it's not because they're out of money. They print it whenever they want, based on nothing on earth other than that, when they want. Doesn't matter what basis they or you say. It can be anything or nothing. Mox nix. You will go along with it. No sense even trying to listen to "experts" in the financial world because they are as duped as you are. Everybody knows wars fix economies. Never mind that this is complete horse shit, everybody knows it. In fact, even those who know exactly nothing about anything else in the whole world know that war fixes the economy. If you just go along with it, send in some of your kids, they will let you have a relatively comfortable lifestyle again after the carnage. Everybody knows that. Never mind the fact they were busted on this millennia ago, Lao Tzu, When everybody thinks good is good this is not good... who the fuck is Lao Tzu? Nobody knows.
Yesterday we heard Judy Wood saying she thinks Ofiendface and Putin are on the same team, just one's wearing the home jersey and the other the away jersey. This might be true. It might simply be that the only thing at stake is which of them gets to go down in history as the hero of humanity, who comes out FDR and who Hitler. Don't ever forget that wars are won before the fighting starts. Whoever gets the moral high ground is the victor.
This moral high ground does not, unfortunately for us, have to be actual. We only have to think so for it to work. This is the reason we have to clear out the cobwebs from all the soporific toxins coming into our nostrils and mouths and ears and eyes, why we have to be as relentless at snapping out of our hypnosis as they are at hypnotizing us, why refraining from contradicting the hypnotized around us is literally lethal.
Don't get bogged down in the poppies. They want WWIII. We don't.
machine so odious
shiny barbarism