i don't think i trust this guy

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Is he talking about his YouBube subscribers? Really?

You may or may not remember that he was outed as some kind of PR brat who makes his living helping websites get eyeballs. That evidently was not enough to kill him. And now he's speaking at the Electric Universe Conference? Is that so?

Does that mean his adventures in daily sun-related news aren't bogus despite his shady approach? Maybe. Maybe even probably. Still, this has not been the way to gain my confidence.

Never the less, since he spoke at that conference, and because this presentation is a lot more scrutable than most of his daily bulletins, and because I am convinced the electric universe guys have it way somewhere much closer to the truth, I think you should listen to this. It's a half hour out of your day, and might end up going a long way toward unmindfucking you.

When he notes that Venus' rotation is slowing, that is evidence that the theories about Venus having been a comet or a body knocked from elsewhere in the solar system into its present orbit are probably true. A growing number of scholars and scientists believe that our ancestors witnessed this event, that it caused major havoc here and is encoded in the mythology of every ancient culture on Earth. The current thinking on the matter being that Venus' rotation goes the opposite direction from all the rest of the planets because of this abrupt entry into the current configuration, and that the spin will eventually slow to a stop and then start going in the same direction as the rest of us.