even though it looks as though the psychopaths are losing

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I wouldn't count them out yet. They're seriously awful. They don't care who dies. There is the disappeared plane. There are, I think, still disappeared nukes. And even if they can't pull off a really apocalyptic-enough false flag, they are not too impotent in other ways to cause serious setbacks for the free world. The other one. The real one.

Anyway, I decided it was time to check in with Ben again today. It was less riddled with outrageousness today than usual, but still I pulled out the crap and just am quote/edit/ing the "reasonable" stuff here:
The criminal cabal that hijacked the Republic of the United States of America and turned it into a global pariah have been cornered to a point where they must either surrender or die. This is becoming obvious on many levels. For example, last week even the member nations of the globalist International Monetary Fund lined up 187 to 1 against the United States in an effort to get them to relinquish their veto control of that institution.

Even more troubling for the families that control the Federal Reserve Board has been the massive ongoing attack on their petrodollar. In particular, the situation in the Ukraine is turning into an historic cabal defeat.

[Russia doesn't want dollars for their gas and oil anymore... which will finally crush petrodollar hegemony. Since Europe depends on Russian gas, there is little chance they will refuse to use another currency.]

US Corporate Government President Barack Obama, working under orders from puppet masters like George Soros, tried convincing the Middle Eastern oil producing countries to drive down the price of oil and bankrupt Russia but was rebuffed.

Obama then turned around and went to the Chinese where, according to Chinese government sources, he [was rebuffed, and therefore there will be no deal with] them against Russia.

The Chinese are insisting that the United Nations move its headquarters to Asia and reform its security council so that it more accurately represents the population of the planet earth. They are also coming to the conclusion that the cabal has no intention of handing over control of the World Bank or the IMF so they are preparing to set up a new institution that will have far more funds available to it than both the World Bank and the IMF combined.


Obama is coming to Japan later this month where no doubt he will ask the Abe slave government to help [against] China and Russia... [won't happen].


[People are demanding] that these criminals be rounded up and put in prison, if not killed outright, ASAP. They are proven mass murderers and any member of the CIA or Pentagon or other agencies who is in a position to do something about these scum must either act or it is guaranteed they will sooner or later be jailed as accomplices....
I don't know yet if I can face going back to check up on David Wilcock's threat to explain himself on the refusal to sign over control of global finances, but am supposing he meant that the psychopaths won't let Russia and China use the IMF and the World Bank for purposes of facilitating global trade. That's no blow to either of them and not much of an impediment either, but most people probably think it is.

I'll try another cup of coffee and link it if I find it.