you can get around grain

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It might be the number one best thing you can do to keep from being killed off by the psychopaths, and it's just so not impossible to do it. The hardest part is training your brain off it... and, of course, affording cleaner food.

I had to re-examine my meatloaf thing when I realized that using sausage meant using meat with poison pre-mixed in with it. Duh. Silly me. They put MSG in it... and other poisons. So use plain ground pork. Even then, sometimes it's just pork ground up and put in plastic packing and sometimes it's salt and ground up pork in there. You can't even rely on something that was only the one ingredient last week still being only one ingredient this week if you are shopping anywhere that can fall under the heading of "supermarket"... which most of us have to do because we so can't afford the specialty shops.

I use Mrs Dash lemon pepper because there's no salt in it and it's only a few bucks and the only weird ingredient is "turmeric color", which seems preferable to spending more over in the "health food" section for something likely not any healthier. Sometimes, though, I throw in some Spike — which does come from the "health food" section and contains "salt" [ergo not likely the healthy kind] and soy flour [which is GMO and a goitrogen and estrogenic and shrinks yer brain] — because there are even more herbs mixed in with it and I want to get it out of my spice cabinet someday before I die.

You want to buy stuff with no salt in it because you don't want the bleach from the processing of it. You need salt, but just learn to put it in yourself, using mined salt, pink salt, which is sea salt, actually sea salt from dried up oceans and not the bleached horse shit in the cylinder box and only labeled "sea salt". You also need iodine, but the poison salt doesn't give you enough anyway, so you just make it a point to incorporate a couple drops a day of Lugol's Solution 5% into the water you use to swallow your supplements or your meds or to just drink and this will keep your thyroid gland and organs as detoxed from radioactivity and other poisons as possible. Don't skip the Lugol's and don't get the more dilute kind. Iodized salt is only enough iodine to stave off goiter, but not enough to protect your organs from cancer. A couple drops of Lugol's 5% a day can do way more than an apple to keep the doctor away. It may seem expensive to you, but it takes a long time to use up a fluid ounce at the rate of two drops a day... and your prostate will thank you.

Anyway, meatloaf. Meatloaf can be seriously excellent without being a major hassle, and potato skins make an excellent bread replacement to wrap around the leftover meatloaf. And now that we know there are other kinds of flour beside grain flour, maybe we can even figure a way to have bread again that won't kill us... or at least to have a less toxic carrier for the lethal doses of sugar we call "dessert".


The other day I had a little bonanza while at our version of Whole Paycheck. It was a total accident. I only went in because I was nearby and wanted to get something on which to nibble so I could finish all my town tasks without being too starving to deal with it. I found the perfect thing... a blueberry nut bar... with no killer ingredients... and not so parsimonious in portion as to necessitate the purchase of a backup. Yummy. I was stoked.

I looked them up when I got home because I was so stoked. Turns out there is an alternative for people who can't skip their morning bowl of cereal to cut out the killer grains. Yes, it's costly, but, wow, it's good and it's not poison.

But, the other shock at that store was some raw cream! Del Norte has joined Humboldt in its nazi approach to raw milk. This makes me crazy. We have the best dairies in the world on the Northern California coast, and many of them are either mainly grass fed or all grass fed, with no hormones and antibiotics. There has been some dirty dealing to outlaw the sale of raw milk here, and none of our local dairies can sell it. However, it is still legal to sell it at the store, if it comes from a county that hasn't outlawed it... some glitch in the crossover between state and local ordinances. Still, they never have any when I go there. Never. I'd given up. But on the same day I discovered Two Moms, I caught the raw dairy sign out of the corner of my eye, and, kazaaaaart! There was still some raw cream left.

I bought it. I came home and got it really cold, mixed in a bunch of chocolate and a jot of honey and pounded it down. I would've pounded it straight, but it was darn grassy-tasting and chocolate is good for you. I could feel all the good bugs gleefully skipping around in my guts almost immediately after. Raw milk is so good for you that it is almost enough to convince you there is a God... so, naturally, the psychopaths are doing everything they can to keep it away from you.