okay, the password is marijuana salad

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I was trying to make it through to right about now before getting back on the project of sleep, but I didn't make it. Somewhere a couple hours ago I had to get in bed or I was going to injure myself for sure. I tried turning this on full screen so I could watch it from bed, keep from falling out until there was a good chance I'd sleep through till tomorrow morning, but I couldn't stay lucid. My brain kept shutting off until I found myself in a big box store that was in the process of closing down to rearrange all its goods.

It was an odd one. Oprah Winfrey was a floor manager and some guy who reminded me vaguely of Dennis Farina or maybe even Ray Leota with Dennis' whiskers manned a booth of tobacco products. They were trying to keep me in the store, even though they were trying to get everyone else out. Oprah told a clerk to get me my to go gourmet items and I thought I heard her say "marijuana salad". I'm no doper, but that sounded darn gourmet to me. I went over near the clerk, who'd picked up the phone to the back room and he was trying to whisper "marijuana salad" loudly enough to be heard without being heard, so to speak.

I tried to wander around to kill time, but was growing very impatient. Whose idea was this? How dare they waste my time like this? I'm looking over the tobacco items and Dennis/Ray doesn't have even something exotic or fun from some mystical land for me to purchase. I've got all kinds of plates and utensils I'm not going to need with my takeout and I'm trying to offload them on a shelf, piled neatly, keeping yesterday's food item to put in with the items coming up sometime hopefully before I'm too old to eat anymore. I'm becoming more and more impatient.

I'm half okay with being in the quickly emptying box store and half really anxious to get out. I don't even know how I got in there, why I'd be in there to begin with, but since I am and everyone is trying so ineptly — well — incompetently — to please me I might as well try to hang with it, see about these treats at least. I wander back into my royal bedchamber and my wife is still tittering away in her bed with her eunuch and I'm getting under the bedspread on mine across the room so I can stick my hand down my pants... and... OMFG....

That woke me up.

I'd turned into pharaoh....