just in case

I want to point out that there have always been quite a few people who travel on stolen passports, and there are even more of them doing so now that there's crap like a no fly list and all manner of nazis patrolling airports and passenger manifests. It's done by people who don't want others tracking their movements, not because they want to kill themselves. Though a lot of it is for nefarious purposes, and by nefarious types, more and more of it is people who just plain won't brook the totalitarian clampdown and don't even qualify as socially unacceptable, let alone terrorists.

There is no reason to assume anyone would go to the trouble of stealing a passport for purposes of blowing up an airplane over the ocean. To the contrary, if it were terrorism, the perps would want their names in lights, at least, for taking the trouble to die in their cause. And they wouldn't do it in such a way as to mitigate the chances of the deed ever being known for what it was.

I don't care if the guy who bought the tickets for the stolen passport guys was a little gray alien, there is more reason to assume the cacophony of microwave frequencies frying every cubic inch of our atmosphere fried their instruments and they went down before they could even figure out what was happening.

Get a grip.


Lest you think I'm kooky bringing up space aliens, I'm not the only one, though I don't think this is the first time we've failed to get a bead on a black box and if the pilot was trying to float it instead of crash, the plane well might not have anything detached enough to be floating on the surface.


The bliss ninnies think they were beamed up.

No. Really.

Of course they do. I just checked.