i need a bath

[click image]


I will, of course, have to settle for a not-a-bath in my not-a-tub, but when I get out I am going to take another run at listening to this. I like the guy. He's much crazier than I am, but I still like him and usually try to endure all the ADDtude of his communications because I like him.

I don't see much out there today, so far, and so it's a good time to wear myself out in the not-a-tub and be finished off by an almost neighbor who is further 'round the bend than I am.


Or, maybe you'd prefer something to keep you busy. Bearing in mind that facts about the missing airplane full of humans have been so thoroughly obfuscated by the MSM that we can never tell up from down by use of those sources — exactly like the pre-9/11 intel and the actual name of the prime mover were nuked to powder by so many conflicting bits in the media that we can not ever reconstruct those — perhaps there is something useful here.

I don't know if I can bear to look, but I know some of you were trying to get a bead on this and the one thing we know for sure is that the psychopaths are involved in it, so this bit might turn out to be important.