gladio is sword in latin

[click image]


It has become shorthand for state sponsored terrorism, false flag provocateurs, black ops, assassins, every kind of dystopian horror from the shady precincts of international espionage prosecuted by the West, by NATO, by the psychopaths, by fascists. It is not a thing of the past, which makes the term "Gladio" very confusing at this point in time. The point is: Gladio never died. Ask Ole Dammegard. Ask Webster Tarpley. Try not to fall into the eyelash batter's web on this stuff. I do not trust her anymore.

She's been on shaky ground with me for years, but the horse shit about Greenwald tore it, and now I discover she tops the search returns for "Gladio" just as she did/does for "Omidyar". This is waaaay so not a good sign. It is not a good sign when you come upon "activists" who can be seen to be at the stage where they err very heavy to the ego side. You have to start doubting their word when you see that, no matter how much you've liked them, no matter how much you still do like them. If by this point they still refuse to sink back down into oblivion, gracefully let go their celebrity, they will be taken by the psychopaths... bought or duped or both... barring a bolt from the buddhas such as we have just seen happen to Amber Lyon. And that is less than one percent of them.

I'm dead serious. If your intent is to stay awake to reality, you let go of all your defaults... you stop. You look. You allow yourself to see. I have been doing this with my Putin thing about once every six months, or six minutes, or so for coming up on a decade, and he keeps passing the test, but since seeing through the part about reunification with the Crimea, and now having to turn my attention to the rest of historically Russian Ukraine, I am also making sure I don't fall back to sleep, that I keep stopping and looking. I don't like people being polluted fucks on the subject of Vladimir Putin, but I don't want to be a useful idiot either... don't want to follow the eyelash batter down the toilet... don't want to be mindfucked by starry-eyed social darwinist libertarians... because the psychopaths are not, not, not, not, not picky about what side of any cast of mind they fuck whatsoever. Never have been, and never will be.


God help me, I hope it's finally time. I don't want to move in with my mother to try to keep from starving to death, but... that's a lot better than WWIII. I just have to plead with you, if they tank the petro-dollar, please, please, please take it like a man. Scream your head off against any and all provocations to war. You know they will be bald-faced lies anyway.