things pissing me off
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I decided last night to have another go at the loooong documentary that tries to set the record straight about Hitler and about WWII in general. It's really very, very good, but I hate how much it relies on text scrolling to get in all its points. I can so listen for six hours, but I cannot do the scrolling text shit for more than about half an hour, when it's really, really important. So I have to just keep making time for that sucker and laser my attention in willy-nilly over the course of the thing.
And willy nilly is totally good enough because it is so packed with stuff that is completely counter to what you were taught in school it might take you six months, six years, to get through and fully process each bit of it. I'm sure a lot of it is as much bullshit as the stuff they have been pumping us with our whole lives, just from another side, but too, too much of it suddenly explains stuff that just never made sense before.
I have already been struggling mightily to just close my senses to the filthy propagandizing about Sochi, because it just reminds me what pigs we are in the West and I start seeing Saddam's hanging and Gaddafi's lynching and the litany of corpses from horrific deaths for worse than no good reason, but no reason at all beside terrorizing the people. It's all always one group doing it all on all sides. I have long since taken to simply referring to them as "the psychopaths", but others still call them "the elite", which I loathe because it implies there is something actually elite about the psychopaths and that just ain't naturally the case. Quite the contrary, no? Yes.
They financed the Soviets and they financed the Nazis and they financed the Japanese and they financed the allies. Does anyone even remember what even triggered it and why such an event might've been seen by lucid people as constituting a reason for wholesale slaughter? Obviously the mindfucked feel there were all manner of important reasons for it, but I mean lucid people.
Did you know Mussolini was sodomized before they killed him?
Saddam Gaddafi drone apps....
And the actual porcine variant of pig is the very incarnation of purity in comparison.
The single most lethal weapon the psychopaths employ, the one without which none of their other weapons hold any sway, is mind control... the mindfucking... the mental conditioning of the masses. So when I see these twats blathering about climate change, my inner HST goes immediately on tilt.
You fucks! You have not addressed it! You are blathering along as though there were no questions desperately needing answers! Questions journalists should absolutely have answered, even if science, the scientism that poses as it, is utterly incapable of doing anything the psychopaths won't pay for.
The only terrorists are the psychopaths.
The only killers are the psychopaths.
The only liars are the psychopaths.
The only mindfuckers are the psychopaths.
The only criminals are the psychopaths.
You can't have an opinion about this. It's so. And it drives me crazy that I cannot produce a loud enough scream to cover it. I can't even whisper that you must wake up because every jackass and mindfucker is already saying that so much you sleep through it.
they can't control grownups