my god i am SUCH an asshole!

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As you probably know, I'm subscribed to just about every Lusitano channel on YouTube, and spend a LOT of time watching people doing the riding for me. I have no choice. I cannot afford it. And it hurts me plenty because there are so many people who are just awful riders getting to ride some truly amazingly wonderful animals while I am stuck here with no hope of getting the funds for such an adventure. I usually don't feel envy, not exactly that, not really begrudging anyone but maybe those I can tell should not be allowed proximity to a living creature. In fact, I do actually feel quite a bit of gratitude for being able to watch them at all.

But, so, I just now watched this video and nearly stroked out over it. OMFG! I have never seen such an awful rider in all my born days! Never! Why do they let rich people do this? God, that horse must be bulletproof to perform that well under such a twat. Etc, etc, etc... and so I went to find more evidence to come here and report my righteous indignation to you. Most of it is in Portuguese, but... well, I found THE salient bit of information, yes, I sure, did.

And I am just an asshole.

That is all.