my earliest childhood
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My grandmother lived in the city. She was the former mayor's secretary. Mom drove us over frequently and we went to all these places, numerous, numerous times. We usually ate lunch first at Fisherman's Wharf. My grandmother liked the drinks there the best. My favorite thing was the DeYoung Museum. There was a mummy away from which I would need to be dragged right by the front entrance. Somehow it wasn't creepy to me. It was just mystery incarnate. I would get giddy with anticipation about all of the places, and really, really giddy at Monkey Island right near the entrance to the zoo, but the museum was the best.
As I grew older I started to prefer the Legion of Honor... more and better art... and The Thinker... I would go there very late at night and sit on his shoulders. It was as riveting as the mummy had been when I was little.