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He is lying. He is a prime example of a convinced progressive-fascist, and he is run by the same people who do color revolutions in other countries. He does it because he doesn't want to flip burgers for a living. He can't support his family on that.

It really, really helps to look into the powers behind certain movements... to see how real opposition is co-opted by the psychopaths... sometimes even dreamed up and executed by them... for the sole reason that control of the opposition is mandatory to maintaining control. Period. If you can't get and keep that straight, you are liable to waste huge chunks of time.

Take it from me.

You want to get clear on this point. Just as I have said about "activists" for decades, they only start out as activists, swiftly fall in love with the attention from the throngs of little people desperate for someone to follow, a savior, an avenging angel and end up only having helped perpetuate that which they have been utterly convinced they oppose. Nothing induces them to recognize their error, that they have actively resisted real measures against their foes because they would sink back into the role of Joe Ordinary, Joe Burger Flipper, if they actually did what it takes to stop the bad guys.

If you listened to Michael with me, you would have heard an intricate dissertation on what causes this failure. I'll just remind you that the ego is all about your appearance, not actuality. 99% of people do not understand the difference between their ego and who they actually are. So "activists" can pass any polygraph on the matter of whether they are against something even while actively working to keep it safe. Psychopaths have orgasms over this.

Think of Ireland! England had a fuck of a time getting and keeping control in Ireland. For eight hundred years, starting with the Romans, Ireland fought them at every turn. Somewhere in the mid-twentieth century — maybe it was earlier — I'm getting foggy on the specifics — it was determined to start a fake opposition, put a controlled opposition into play. Pft. Lots of extremely convincing chaos, but control no longer even remotely in jeopardy.

Think of the Tea Party. Republicans grabbed that sucker away from the Libertarians so fast my head is still swimming. Occupy? Please. That wasn't even real from the git. The same, same, same, same — do you read me? — same people destabilizing all threats to fascism abroad planned and funded it. They have not given up... and David is still determined not to flip burgers for a living.