i'll try not to make too much noise

[click image]


I forgot to check to see if this would be streaming. Lucky we have jo6 around here.


Well, these inflatable vests are extremely helpful for my nerves. The commentators don't seem to want to be mentioning the fatalities at Mavericks, but I won't forget them, especially not Foo twenty years ago. Nobody noticed he didn't come up. That just nearly kills me still. So I'm kind of torn, relieved and thrilled to see the vests, but also kind of resentful because of the tragic crises of the past.

But, man, I am loving all the shots from behind as they're paddling back out. Surfer's butts! To die for.

The temperature this afternoon, here, here in the real Northern California, hit 72º... and I'm here stripping off and opening windows that do not get opened in the winter... sucking zinc lozenges because all these temperature swings are working hard to give me a cold. Doesn't help that I have had one half-hour nap and two fifteen-minute naps and about five one-minute nods in the last thirty-plus hours, so I'm going to have to turn out my own lights pretty soon, but, well, this can make for sweet dreams... if, if, if I've managed to keep my nose from plugging up... maybe I'm down... maybe right back up.

Congratulations, Twiggy....