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I would really enjoy a nice airing of just what sorts of things should be secret... "state secrets". Certainly for every one that might be considered unsavory but necessary there are thousands that are outright criminal, all of them fall to the detriment of the people and other things everywhere. It helps keep us stupid and squabbling. It sets up scenarios that should not even be going on and makes victims out of people who are in the dark. Gets people killed with despicable regularity. Lets corruption run amok. Makes the world more like a bad acid trip with the passing of each minute.

And all this spying? Are you gonna say we need it to keep us safe? Is that so? What if we do it openly then? So whoever would've done us dirt realizes they've lost the element of surprise. But should it be the power structure spying on the people, or the people spying on the power structure? You know the answer to that question, but you keep going along with this blather as though it were even cogent, let alone righteous.

Which of the organized crime rings even get busted anymore? Oh, right, that would be the ones competing with the government. Otherwise, they just cut them in and proceed. And, what's up with doing things like walking guns into a syndicate to try to bust them for shooting them? If the drugs were not illegal, would they even be interested in guns? Would the black budget dry up and go away?

And what about corporate espionage? What if corporations were abolished and whatever they make has to turn into salaries or be given to charities? What if the stock market were abolished along with the fed? What if government officials had to go to jail for life right along with whoever was bribing them? What if the courts were compelled to act in accord with the Constitution instead of regulations? What if political parties were abolished? What if we took our country back?