a balance
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I have brought up a few times how I have been so outraged by my investigations into the actuality of Africa that I threw up my hands one day and ceased letting myself think about it... before even the advent of the fascist candy store into my life... these ever loving intertubes. I have been pretty good at keeping it from further frizzing my neurons all these years by simply stating that we should just fence off the entire continent and maybe check back in with them in a thousand years or so.
Of course, the Nelson Mandela thing has intermittently barged its way into my brain anyway, and so, if you can make your way through all his mother fucking commercials, you might want to half listen to Alex here, because, bank on it, you have well and truly been so mindfucked on South Africa it will help what nutrients you have been able to nail down for yourself actually end up getting to your cells. Look at it that way... because that's the bottom line.