the only reason millions more of us aren't dead already

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I was, big surprise, up almost all night again last night. I didn't settle down until the press conference between the Russian and Syrian foreign ministers took place... something like four in the morning Pacific Daylight Time, I think it was. When I heard the translators stumbling over their words, saying Syria was deferring utterly to Russia's judgment in this situation, my heart leapt. I knew who made this happen, and what he was going to do with it. It seems maybe to have worked, maybe given Obamination his out... trumped the Archons in their pathetically thin bid to start WWIII and claim, however spuriously, the high ground.

Just as in actual physical combat where high ground is crucial to victory, so it is in the mental battleground, on the moral front, in your own struggles with yourself, and in all our struggles with each other... physical, mental, spiritual... all struggle. I don't think the Archons will just deflate and go away to start their war another day. Nope. I think they will pull a false flag, a really horrific one, any day now... preferably Wednesday, I suppose... but I am just crazy happy to witness the brilliance and smoothness of this latest move on the geopolitical chessboard.

If you didn't listen to Rense and Weidner on the matter of Archons I linked the other day, you might not get the nuances of this big victory of a move. It is not a total victory... or not yet... but it about puts out my eyes with its luminosity. You will be so much stronger if you can just bring yourself to take in that Archons, aka psychopaths, aka sociopaths, are not merely defective humans. They are more like fake humans. Some want to call them a subspecies. Some want to call them space aliens. Some, them, want to call them divinity. Most of us just settle for calling them oligarchs, or the elite, or something to that effect.

The point is, they are not actually human. Yes, some of them, who really do seem to be them, are in fact humans, humans who have just abdicated their humanity, but that puts them just the same in the category of adversaries of living things. This isn't just world leaders circling for the clinch. This is also a showdown between human beings and some other species. Not every world leader is of the alien camp. This one is on our side.