And have resorted to screaming about it intermittently along that timeline. Nobody listens to me, but maybe you will listen to Catherine Austin Fitts and/or Joseph P. Farrell... now that they've finally caught up to me....
We're shocked, we tell you, we're shocked....
The hassle, of course, is Iran's new president... the thoroughly vilified Ahmadinejad no longer works as a symbol of anti-Western perfidies most dire... and the psychopaths are in a hurry. They have to make a show of being open to this new powerless figurehead while furiously working to make him look like just a sneakier version of his criminally swarthy predecessor. Seriously, if Iran won't be stupid enough to fight back against the steady stream of heinous Western provocations, this new kid on the block has to very swiftly turn into the very portrait of malignancy or our WWIII recedes even further away from feasibility.
I just keep locking up whenever I try to get a handle on who's in which camp, when I try to identify who might be the real powers behind the old guard and the new guard. At most it seems the old guard is still interested in a "kinder gentler" fascism than the rabidly totalitarian new guard criminals. It would almost seem to break into Republican and Democrat, but Obama's as determined to institute the imperatives of the latter camp as Darth Fudd ever was, and I really don't think the oligarchs give a fig which party is carrying out their orders. The only real difference I can ever feel is that the old guard wants badly to maintain the ruse of our democratic republic and just generally to let the Great Unwashed duke it out for relatively comfortable enslavement, that which is easier to call by another name. The new guard is so much more 1984 about it, while the old guard remains staunchly Machiavellian.
Do you prefer Orwell to Machiavelli? Is there a way to defeat them both?