what a difference a day makes

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It is 80° here just now... the hottest part of the day... and the breeze is kicking up pretty good... helping me maintain some kind of affable attitude. I feel that my friends inland must be suffering pretty badly, though. It is very weird that the heat here is much more tolerable this week than last. It is easier on me, but it is not a good thing for the trees. The humidity is down drastically. It will be fine if this is just a fleeting weather pattern, but if it keeps up that will be pretty bad. The trees are already weakened badly by the crap from the chemtrails. It's true that fir and pine are much worse affected than the redwoods so far, but the toll on the redwoods has not been marginal, so this is scary.

I have resolved to send this image to the lady who cuts my hair. She is sweet and talented and accommodating, but I think she has trouble with the native concept of excellent coiffure. This could set her free... and me!

I am happy to report that Tom Campbell was gracious enough to address my concern with this discussion and so I am going to go back and listen to the whole thing when I get back from the store. I try hard to let stuff pass in order to get an inkling of the gestalt with this sort of talk, but I just could not rise above the speed of light hurdle so soon on the heels of Rupert Sheldrake having to take so much shit for a perfectly valid observation. Since it seems it was only a manner of speaking and not meant to cover the truth, I'm game again.

Probably, probably I will have an even better attitude once there's something to eat around here again. Lort help me when comes the fall, because I just do not seem to be able to rise to the duty to prepare. Please don't you be this stupid. I mean, it really is stupid not to have at least a sack of beans stashed, but much of the time my unwillingness to brook the claptrap of "civilization" bests my best efforts. I already tried it with rice. I ended up eating all of it before I got back to the store. I don't even like rice. It's not even good for me. I can't even buy it for the emergency purposes now because I don't want to make myself sick and fail to stay prepared.

I don't know if karma will see me through, but I am starting to think it will end up having perfected me anyway. Oh! It will definitely end up having perfected all of us. You might not be down with it, but it will be perfect.