insomnia makes one stupid

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I was such a zombied-out mess by yesterday evening that I could hardly stay upright. Still, I knew I would only sleep for an hour, two at most, before I would be right back up again, all my lights on and nobody home. My legendary powers of concentration were completely absent all day, and had been only sputtering the day before. I decided it was time to take a chill pill and crash at 8pm.

Still, I only slept an hour or so, full of a wild dream, and I was right back up. But, thankfully, not for that long before the pill finally kicked in and I could get some sleep. The problem, lately, seems to be that even if I do sleep what seems as though it ought to be enough, I'm not getting the deep sleep, the dream sleep. That's when I will be barely able to make it to the bed before a nap takes me and packs in a week's dreaming into an hour.

So, all this by way of saying, I was so out of it I forgot about the other espionage charges beside the aiding-the-enemy gig. It's already bad news for Julian, for all journalists. But, still, they were/are trying to cook up a death penalty scenario for Assange and Bradley's sentencing could weaken it, especially since he never implicated Assange in soliciting it from him... well... did he? I'm too befoggled at the moment, and too reluctant to help them piss me off more by paying scrupulous attention anymore.

This is as psychedelic as Gonzo legalizing torture in the last administration. I know that much.

The whole legal thing is beyond the pale. I completely ignored Zimmerman and Martin until this crap about the verdict came up. Then I went in and lasered the situation, plus some testimony, and, you fucks, it doesn't matter who Zimmerman is or isn't. The facts, the only stuff we can know because they have been proved state unequivocally that it was self-defense! Zimmerman was on him, beating him, confirmed by physical evidence and a witness. That means, in our country, it was self-defense. You don't need to know another thing about either of them to be down with that and glad of the acquittal.

Still, we do know lots of other things about it, and they put the lie to all this racism horse shit. And I for one am glad Zimmerman didn't have to spend three years in jail before remedy was at hand. Friends keep reminding me that most people don't have the legal system as straight in their minds as I do, and so they will be swayed by rumors and grand standing and other stuff that isn't courtroom kind of fact, but that just makes me madder. What right do we have to bitch if we are too butt ignorant of these basics to deal with them like adult Americans?

When does this stop? The judge better give Bradley time served, and I wish Putin would just fly over and pluck Julian from his prison too. I want the rest of the world to cut us off and leave us to pull ourselves together before we are allowed back in to polite society.