it's cooling here

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Only 74° right now. Yesterday at this time it was 80°. This is doable. Yesterday not so much. I have not been griping because I know people like BB2 and Old Uncle Dave and jo6 are probably suffering. Having been a coastal dweller for my entire life, I have always thought that Sacramento was really some trick of some kind... that maybe going east on 80 was like driving into a wormhole. You end up on another planet.

Truly. I had to go there at least once a year since earliest childhood... since back when I80 was just two lanes. Total. One in each direction. And this has been my idea of it for my entire life. Not Planet Earth. It has always been pointed out to me that Palm Springs and Death Valley are even hotter, and this has not impressed me at all. I mean, so what if there are more alien landscapes around? Sacramento is quite bad enough. I'm appalled.

We have long wondered if we shouldn't split into a north and south thing, but I think we actually ought to think about splitting into three states. Southern California can stay California. Northeastern California can turn into Jefferson. And Northwestern California can turn into something like maybe Pacifica or New Russia or Redwood. Or Aztlan, Jefferson and California... with this zone now deceptively labeled the Central Valley just finally being called by what it is: Off World.


Well, in the space between writing and posting this it has turned 76° and overcast out there. Still it is less awful than yesterday and much less awful than inland. The thing is that the humidity makes it harder to cool off. I notice that my nice little reliable breeze coming in my window here on the north face of my house is just not so reliable this year at all. It barely gets the air moving as it always has before to open it in the afternoons. I may have to consider getting myself a little fan for my desk if this keeps up.

Anyway, I think this bodes well for the rest of the state, that maybe by tomorrow it will be cooling there too. Maybe. It's so hard to tell anymore. I know the only time the weather service has been wrong about the weather forecast in years and years was this last prediction of a huge storm here. It barely rained, but it was wet as heck. We were inside the clouds. They weren't over us. They were on us. So it was darn wet, but not rain kind of wet. And warm.

Just now it's thick overcast with a nice ribbon of blue just about to the mountain ridges east a few feet. So it's hot inland. Big time. But maybe some relief is on its way.