It just gets too damn childish, too damn idiotic, way too damn much of the time, and, lately, they have been damn outdoing themselves, backsliding from seven-year-olds to five-year-olds, across the board. Still, this guy, goofy, goofy, goofy as he sounds, keeps making me think he has embarked upon the project of converting bliss ninnies into ex-ninnies. It doesn't get more wuwu than George Kavassilas, okay? But I keep trying to listen to him because I think he's trying to slip in some actuality on them... and the more so because so many of them are appalled by what he's telling them... appalled while this guy is better at bliss ninny speak than any bliss ninny ever. Unfortunately, it's so thick I can't quite tell if he's just pulled a few concepts from some master to slip into the patois or if he might really know what he's doing.