But I am not ignoring the basic points. Some seeeeeeriously horrific stuff has gone down in this administration and the wrong people are having to pay for it. Yes, yes, I remember what a filthy harpie Victoria Toensing was during Plamegate... but... ready as we all were to uphold Valerie as some sort of near saintly NOC... it wasn't exactly as cut and dried as we all, in our fevered eagerness to discredit Dubya's administration, wanted to believe. Yes, yes, I know Issa is a despicable pig who puts party ahead of human beings. Yes, yes. I know all that crap. I also know there is something biiiiig wrong in State, despite which party is perpetrating it. Oh, heck, biiiiig wrong in every department. And earlier today I caught a whiff of something that made me think I had not gotten something important about the slaughter in Benghazi... so, now, I want to hear what the right WINGNUTS have to say. I'm sick of prigs using the voice on me to try to keep me from giving serious consideration to things they don't want me thinking about.