When it's had enough, it's had enough. Whatever it's had enough of... stops. I sure hope it waited until all the bugs in my mouth were dead. No. Really. I hope that. I'm going to my old dentist this week to have my most expensive tooth redone and I so don't want it to ever abscess again.
My dentist loves me. He isn't making me go to a specialist and spend thousands, because, of course, there's no way I can do that. He's going to do it himself. He said, "I'll have to charge you something...." Okay. I can pay that. I mean, I've gone through so much to keep this tooth. I just can't face giving up on it yet.
And, I am serious, okay?
I stayed up barfing last night, everything but that tooth.
I'm limping and swooning around here today, feeding myself cautious bits of probiotics. So it is the day for some John B crooning action, and the Celente part, of course, is a bonus.
Teeth. You need them for chewing....