i have this sick feeling

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That they made the bombers Chechens as part of a deal to buy off Putin's opposition to our slaughter in Syria. I can't shake it. Yes, I'm sick already from the antibiotics, but... that's not it. Antibiotics make my intestines scream. This is the feeling that my heart is wadding up and trying to trade places with my stomach.


No. Really. This couldn't be more perfect. Muslims. Check, Israel happy, War Of Terror fueled. Chechens. Check, America no longer thinks Chechens are darling freedom fighters for bombing the crap out of Russia. This could be powerful persuasion for Russia to just back off their threats to defend Syria... the excuse, if you will, to keep Russians out of harm's way a little longer.

Bearing in mind always that Boston is a false flag, that those young men did not do it, that this is all about public perception, and they want control of Syria, and they don't want trouble with Russia... yet... what in the world could make Russia stand down from their most stern position against the murderating fucks yet? Surely not just a couple of patsies undoing part of the Chechnya brainwash, but... damn... I think that's got to be part of it.

I know Russia does not want any war, but I also hope they don't cave on this. I know these psychopaths are at their most dangerous right now, but, still, I hope they don't cave on this. The killing has to end. Waiting until the psychopaths are ready to deal with Russia is a bad mistake. I so hope Putin is not mollified by this, that he will not let the gesture soften his resolve.


I was listening to ROY this morning, and beside wishing that Christians could just say this stuff without referring to the Bible or Jesus and just stick to actual "spiritual nourishment" — I mean, everybody, of every persuasion, can get behind the spiritual uplift of committing random acts of kindness, everybody, even atheists — I had to take issue with his point about "self-defense". No. It is not just self defense where killing is righteous. Killing to save others from harm is also righteous. It is actually the highest form of "self" defense.

That. Is. Why. They. Bother. To. Lie. To. Us. About. Why. They. Are. Attacking. Other. Countries.

This is a classical human brain elision problem. Advanced mental calculus. No! The ends do not justify the means, but saving sentient beings does in fact turn "violence" or "killing" into right action. Anyone, anyone, anyone who is saving all sentient beings does not slaughter innocents to do it, but will not shrink from killing the tyrant, or his enforcers, to liberate the people, to put an end to that suffering.

This is precisely why we have to contend with all these mindfucks 24/7/365. We will not just go along with oh-we're-the-fittest-and-you-die-if-we-want-your-stuff. I think that could never happen. Just no way. But psychopaths can use our strength to get what they want for themselves by convincing us that self-defense and protection of innocents is their motive, and they know that as long as they are terrifying enough few will be disposed to question their methods. They know that a good blast of media circus around whatever atrocity they care to commit will give people the excuse to turn away from the knocking of conscience and go back to sleep. Frightened humans will grasp at even the flimsiest excuse not to face what they fear.