Instead of going on as though everyone on earth will become as intelligent and independent and "productive" as you are without any government telling us what to do, why not just consider that what we all call "government" these days does not have to be the government we end up with. Maybe now that at least some of us can see that the real problem has always been that we are trained from earliest childhood to dedicate our whole lives to the insurance of total ease, freedom and authority for an elite few, maybe we could first consider a government where that were no longer the imperative. See if that couldn't be made to work out well for both freedom lovers and dependent types.
Because, you know what? Some of those lazy brutes out there who don't want to produce for themselves do shit like turn their yards into junk heaps and let their dogs run in packs and refuse to contribute to road maintenance and fire protection and peace officers and drive drunk and not stop partying in time for you to get any sleep. Some of the others come over and help themselves to whatever of yours they want, preferably by stealth, but also just because they can. And, yes, mechanisms to keep some kind of a lid on that can be put in place, but, since everyone is so free, very soon those mechanisms aren't worth the paper they were plotted on or the handshakes that sealed them into place... or if you've done a particularly good job of getting that all plotted out so your community is immune to that action, what you have is a government... that soon is populated by all those leeches you now despise.
So why not do it right the first time? Figure out the perfect government... and make it so.