I thought days ago to consult Craig Murray on the matter of our Chechen So-Called Bombers, but antibiotics kill off all one's gut flora and the toxins released by the deaths of the nasty bugs tend to outweigh the vitamins released by the deaths of the good bugs. This pretty much leaves the entire digestive system so raw that it hurts all the way from alpha to omega... but also the toxicity starts turning one into a fairly useless blot of gelid protoplasm. Conducting one's waking minutes gets more and more confusing as the days wear on. The entire body feels more as though this is the flu than anything like curing an infection. You can't remember if it's your ass or a hole in the ground.
But I have done it now.
Craig Murray is our foremost expert on that area of the world. Note the word "our" back there. I mean to say that he's not one of "them". Anyone devoted to truth would want to consult him on anything to do with Central Asia. Anyone devoted to any official story will want to steer clear of him.
I do not like Craig Murray. He's vain. He's nerdy. He dumped his wife for a young thing. Very little makes me more angry than men trading their wives in on newer models. It's never happened to me, but it's happened to a lot of people around me. It's a mother fucking cartoon of male fallibility... as stupid as Assange falling for a honey trap. It makes me so angry I have great difficulty dropping it. And so I don't make a habit of going to his blog. He's a pig.
But he knows his shit, and he's on our side. Even if he's a pig with the ears of a jackass, I won't try to take that away from him.