victim of my own determination to archive poorly

[click image]


I nevertheless managed to find this at last. This bogus "Holocaust" image is in the National Archives. There is no room for doubt that it is bogus. For those who say this was a victim of the ovens, I want to point out that ovens with wooden beams in them don't work. For those who say this was a victim of burning, I want to point out that he/she still has hair, still is fully clothed. For those who have never seen a photographic negative before, I want to point out that you are so easily duped you need badly to become a survivalist.


I should also mention that making this image a negative looks about as much as though it were a negative as this one does. There's something fancy going on with this thing, so maybe you don't need survivalist training immediately on that account, but certainly the rest of it should harken you to a general state of alarm once you start questioning it.

After looking at bomb blast dummies and white phosphorous burnt corpses, etc, etc, etc, I think this was a victim of a bomb blast who was either still alive or positioned like this after death. The right hand seems to be clutching earth and the left clutching sticks or wires. The head would be, the body would be, all the way down if they'd died right there, no?

It actually looks as though there's plaster dust or lye—or ash—on it—or dirt if it is a negative—but if this person had just had their face and hands burned that dark, they wouldn't have any hair left, let alone all of it, and they wouldn't have any sleeves left either. So, yes, maybe it was a dark-skinned person who was grievously injured and/or killed by a bomb blast, and this isn't a negative, but it's definitely not a Jew who tried to escape the oven.

The point is that we are being manipulated by bogus images, and not that there was no Holocaust. There have been a few holocausts of various peoples, before and since WWII, and the only one continuing to make this apocalyptically hairy deal out of it is clearly still making things sound and look even worse than it was. It was horrifying enough.

Further, not moving on from it tends to make people overlook stuff like real images of innocent people, children included, burned alive by Israeli white phosphorus, the genocide of Palestinians being carried out by Israelis... with no interference from the United States.

My, so called, friend, lafingas seems to think I'm a Holocaust Denier for bringing up this stuff, and I have to point out that if you are my friend that sort of thing does not cross your mind.