That 'move your money' thing? I have no money or credit for the next few days.... I don't know yet how much hassle, but it looks to be gonna make me even crazier. Happy New Year....
This is epic. The lines at the credit union were around the block. Nobody's debit or credit cards work. Only some of the accounts were bought by one credit union and others by another. Half of my financial disaster is now in California and the other half is in Oregon. It will be far easier to move everything to the Oregon people, but I think that's going to mess me up big time in other ways.
My insurance agent was out of emergency cash to lend friends. The lady who cuts my hair loaned me twenny bucks. The post master has been tapped out. Half the people in greater Del Norte are in extremis... majorly... and the ones who are out of town for the holidays are probably dead in the water.
You assholes!
I know you have to know a solvent single guy for me and you still just don't ever try to fix him up with me! I'm even bathing regularly again. How could you be so staunchly heartless? Aren't you even a little worried about my fiscal cliff?