oh hello?

[click image]


Please pardon me. I've been up since noonish, having finally really slept since my neighborhood's entrance into the great economic crash... and for some reason this link Henrik brought up then sent me into some hours of revery. I don't seem to be able to get a bead on what it means.

I seem to be transitioning onto some other plane of consciousness. No. Really. I'm not saying that to be part of any apocalyptic set of mind. I'm just trying to express how this stuff is playing out here. Beside a monsterly enhanced sense of desperation for a society led by people who are not criminals, people who are genuinely ours, I think I may have been bumped onto another timeline again. I don't know if it's more hellish or less yet.

Before I went back to bed last night I caught a glimpse of Dennis Kucinich trying to articulate to RT the problem with Cinderella signing the NDAA after vowing that he'd veto it. Wasn't that last new year? And why is Kucinich suddenly a Representative again? I thought he lost the election before last? Or was it the last? Whut? No. Really. I remember trying to assure someone that it wasn't a great loss, that for however laudable the man's positions on issues, he has demonstrably had no impact and can reasonably be expected to have had no impact at any point in this future.

I googled it. He's still a Member of Congress. WTF?

I thought to google to see if the other sphinx has been put back, but I think I better wait to do that. And now I'm bumped into a near void full of pregnancy by this link Henrik put up. Are we about to have ten times more of the world at our fingertips or is this a marker of more darkness ahead?

It might be the fact that I have been forced to consume chemical food for the last two days. I'm off to the post office to see if my emergency relief cash has arrived.


Okay, after consultation with Old Uncle Dave, it seems Kucinich announced his retirement back in, like, May, so that has been the cause of my confusion. He was technically still a Representative until the next congress convenes, which should be about Monday or so, no? Like I keep telling you, I really majorly stopped paying attention to that crap.

Further, after some discussion I'm guessing that Cinderella just pulled the exact same trick he has pulled a bunch of times before, and about identically with the one he pulled last year at this time around the NDAA shit.

There still are not enough sphinxes, and I still don't know what Wired was saying at the image link, and I'm still only partly in this timeline, but, hey, maybe it's a good sign.