gilad's crucial distinction

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He makes the point that a conscious decision about what to identify with is inauthentic. This is a deeper point, I suspect, than he even realizes. You can't say it into being so. What is so is so already and if you are not happy with it you can't just go out and buy a new wardrobe or start hanging out with different people to make that more acceptable.

Authenticity cannot be contrived. It isn't a word. You can yammer your fool head off about "discernment" and "authenticity" till hell freezes over. It's impervious to what you only call it. You do the work. You try to line yourself up with the prescriptions for readying your mind to grok reality and you wait for your mind to grok reality.

It hits you one day. You know forever after that day when you are full of shit and when you are in accord with actuality. Then the habit of deviating from it drops off bit by bit because deviating from it is to you after that just plain unacceptable.