And anyone else left confused about the thing with Chavez....
Old Uncle Dave sent me this link and the terminology here sent me flying to the newswires to make sure Chavez had not died in the night. After we got that much straight I proceeded to download it. It's not even a half hour long, and we have seen or already know most of what's on it, but it makes things pretty darn clear about Chavez and about how both of our political parties are slinking evil mindfuckers dedicated solely to making all our lives hell on earth.
Just harken back to all that blather about peak oil from the progressosphere. No. Really. Think about it. They think it's okay to do this to you because they think it will make the planet cleaner if you stop driving. Never mind that you can't stop driving. Never mind that it's crystal clear we can only make the planet cleaner over the dead bodies of seriously evil murderators. Never mind how much worse this squeezes on your already utterly insufficient funds.
Never mind all that! To take their position paints them personally as squeaky clean planet lovers. Too bad if the world burns down while they're doing it.
The one guy not serving the interests of psychopaths, here, is Hugo Chavez. The one in it for you is Hugo Chavez.