Okay, you guys know I'm never awake or asleep at the same time two days in a row, so you won't think it odd that I got up at 7pm last night and then again at 4am this morning, right? Right. I'm sure you know all that.
I didn't want to be up all night trying to heat the cold in here. I didn't feel like being upright. I decided to just throw on a long soapy blathering thing and muddle myself under my covers. I went to sleep. Sometimes that happens. Except I kept being awakened by the video interview going back to the opening music instead of continuing on. Then I would swim up and it would be earlier than the later it had been the last time, or then back to later than that, and be earlier again the next time.
Then I was deep asleep and it didn't matter anymore.
Then I had to get up because my bladder was about to burst open and fill my whole house. I leapt up and ran in and peed and peed and peed. I then dove back into bed and was wriggling the chill off myself in there under the covers, my eyes already at half mast and the happy thought of falling back to sleep was just creeping up on me, when someone was outside my house, right on the other side of the wall from my head in bed. He had some asshole radio station playing noisy commercials off somewhere, and he was, or seemed to be, brushing the side of my house, or spraying it with something, right opposite my head. It must've been 3am and this was really offensive behavior.
He was doing it as though it were a ritual, a regular thing. I felt my insides stretching, being pulled at, trying to get out of my skin maybe, like he was some kind of space alien out there vacuuming up my kundalini or something. It struck me this might be responsible for how out of it I've felt for so long here. They keep vacuuming my chi out of me when I'm not looking.
Anyway, this tug of war went on for a few minutes, my whole body gone sort of numb, not comfortably, and this tugging and me setting myself against them getting my chi outta me. Then it stopped and I turned over and went back to sleep. An hour later my bladder was back threatening to fill up the house. I leapt up again. The long soapy blathering was still going, even though it was supposed to be over hours ago.
Wait! How could I have to pee this badly again not an hour after the last time? Whut? And WTF was that sucking of my chi thing? I wasn't dreaming. I was awake. Then I remembered I wanted to be up to see if the sun rises on time or what. So I'm up and got coffee and a bunch of layers of warm things on.
There was another loud noise. This time it sounded like a huge metal drum had fallen from the sky and hit the pavement. A few minutes later a big bolt of lightening lit up right outside my window. The thunder was monster. But that wasn't the metal drum thing. Dammit. This is the weirdest night. Then it started raining pachyderms and cetaceans again. Hard. It felt like the drops were piercing my roof shingles.
This is my best account of the first hours of the day after the end... so far....
I'm hoping the sun will rise on both sphinxes this time.