I have known for a long time that a big risk in bringing someone out of their depression is that they finally get enough energy to kill themselves... rarely others... but, I'm taking stock of what I have personal experience with to begin to believe the drugs are really doing it.
Along with the social conditioning.
The horrific times.
I had a high school friend who was a sardonic, sometimes bitter, depressive his whole life. He couldn't hold a job. He fucked up every last one of them, despite his high IQ and rapier wit. He started taking Zoloft. He turned into the perfect corporate droid... and... OMFG, moving up the ladder. He started going to the gym. Started trying to dance like Ricky Martin. Left his wife of twenty-five years for a girl less than half his age. And was perfectly blithe about it all. As though all this were akin to sending out for pizza. Utterly vexed by how negatively everyone was taking it.
Another high school friend became able to afford his second childhood when his uncle died and left him a lot of money. He too ran off with a young thing. She was taking Paxil. She started taking her clothes off in public places. Running after other men when they were out and about... stripping while making lewd suggestions to the victims. Only narrowly escaped a gang rape when someone with a gun came to her rescue. I never thought much of her, but I was pretty sure her behavior wasn't usual for her.
A woman I knew who was having very bad family miseries started taking Wellbutrin but stopped on the third day because, she said, she would lie down and start looking at the inside of her face.
So, okay, not only do they usually not work, but there can be some really CREEPY SIDE EFFECTS to these things.
Regular TV is violent enough, but, hey, VIDEO GAMES have held the hearts of young people now for a couple decades, no? Yes.
SUBLIMINAL ADVERTISING isn't illegal anymore.
I don't think you realize how LITTLE WORK it takes to get even a perfectly-targetted hit out of someone completely unaware of what they're doing.
So activating our moronized pharmacomaniacal kids seems less of a stretch every day.