You have your original thinkers, and then you have your politicians who note whatever original thinkers have to say, pretend they thought of it and churn it into memes for people who have no interest whatever in thinking at all. There might not be anything awful about this if it were not for the self-interest of the politicians. Whatever they put about is aimed at their own profit and popularity, not what it might seem on its face is the purpose.
This is a crucial aspect of the real workings of karma. It's the intent that moves into the future, not the benefit which should derive from the original thought. Original thinkers rarely interact with the public. The engine of popularity is popularity seeking, not the popular notion. It becomes enough for people to like it or not like it, to identify with it or to form up around fighting identifying with it. It, whatever it is, is never even the issue itself, never has a chance to move the masses up. If it comes about in any form, it is stupendously slow and so watered down or modified as to be ineffective anyway.
Nobody is on the plane where real change happens. Nobody. Within this paradigm, the only things that happen are what fabulously wealthy people make happen.
The slogan "Subvert The Dominant Paradigm" is so satisfying, is it not? Well, it isn't enough that you only like it or don't, and it wouldn't even be enough if you ever actually subverted it. It has to be overturned, abolished, demolished, ended forever... or nothing has happened at all, your birth a complete waste.
No, wait, you say, Max's intent is good. He wants good things for the world. The guy is a good influence on people. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Sorry. Of course he wants good things for the world. Everybody wants that. What intent moves him to get himself out into the reach of our senses? Making his living. If he didn't have to make a living we'd never have heard of him. I could go on for hours about the bullshit of him using himself as a model for the ideal human, but the bottom line is that capitalism made it necessary for him to come out and keep us occupied while the world burns down.