to be precise

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He paid $73.00 for a five-gallon can of gasoline.


[right click, mp3]


Jesus. I am slow.

I have been vexed by the proliferation of economy and markets blather popping up all over the bastions of Out There, making my doctoral work that much harder. I have thought to gripe about it here a thousand times, but have always managed to just blow it off before the head of steam got too much for me.

So I was out to pay more attention to Kavassilas to try to determine if this guy has just gotten hold of some sort of outline of Zen concepts that he is translating into Bliss Ninny Speak or if he may actually have some genuine insight he is trying to put into the lingo of those who need it. The former being most likely, and not very nice, but the later being darn commendable... and a matter of some import here. I girded myself with some hot tea and switched this puppy on, still reeling from the $73.00 gasoline, finding my eyes bugging out over the extreme puerility of the people on this radio show....

And then it struck me. They are mental/emotional children. They are so supremely and supinely gullible and definitely so proud of it, turned themselves into a not so negligible market with it, and all that fucking metals blather and vigilance over investors' news is the old there's-a-sucker-born-every-minute gig, lock, stock and barrel. The soul suckers have noted how dim and avid this bunch is. Dracula's embrace.

This also explains, finally, why they glommed onto Ben's Thing so tenaciously. I could never quite figure that one either. I know they're children in grown bodies and would love a story where they get saved by the ninjas, but this particular brand of kiddies is also waaaay negative on the violence thing. They like martial arts in the dojo, but not things like assassins. They like bedtime stories, though, and so I should have known.

There is no pill for it! The pillows and the yoga pants are completely beside the point. It's not in the incense. You can't put scalar energy in a pendant. Your tattoo is atmospheric... only. Your pineal gland can as well be calcified. You're going to starve using your vertical grow box when the supermarket shelves are empty. Hip-hop mantras are, like, sooooo completely missing the point. What you are calling "awakening" is definitely falling-asleepening. Fuck.