live updates from gaza

[click image, BBC correspondent's son burned alive]


By Harry Fear... not the presstitutes....


He's at his computer, alternating between reports to us and incoming reports from his contacts and crew around Gaza. 12:40pm PT I heard a couple of popping/cracking sounds and the stream cut off right in the middle of him talking. I don't like this.

The stream had been interrupted because of power outages and they'd moved to a fancy hotel for Westerners so they could keep streaming. I was in the kitchen making lunch when the pops cracked and his voice cut out. I probably don't need to tell you what I think just happened....

He had just spoken to RT and was just due to speak with the BBC... so... if he doesn't come back on in a few minutes I'm really going to freak.




I am worried. I guess there's a major bombing raid going on right now... and maybe that is what cut Harry's feed... but I don't like that one of the casualties so far is a correspondent's son. I wish I'd been at my computer when Harry cut out so maybe I could tell if it was the power or something worse.


Okay. 1:35pm PT, he just came on live again. Reading names of 19 people confirmed killed. Ground invasion underway. Have I mentioned lately how much I hate these people? I mean, on top of all the people they kill, they ruin the peace of mind of just about every human who gives a damn about living things.


Harry told he cannot leave hotel... 1:55pm PT

Report of Israeli strike on a Gaza cemetery. [Just making sure they're really dead.]

Ground invasion confirmed in three areas. F-16s still striking.


2pm Harry is in one of the three designated safe places in Gaza right now, reporting live on RT at the moment.

I might have to cut this feed because I think my ulcers are getting ulcers....


2:35pm It's 16 November in Gaza now, ten hours ahead of me. Ground forces are trying to enter the West Bank. Palestinians are firing rockets there to try to repel an Israeli invasion.

Airstrikes still coming hard and heavy in Gaza... including very, very near Fear's hotel.


2:46pm Unconfirmed reports Palestinian fighters able to down two Israeli drones in the last two hours....


3:46pm The stream has been down for about an hour. I think the backup generator may have been hit. Harry was talking about hard and heavy airstrikes all around him in Gaza City before the stream went down....