why they named it the curiosity

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I am the youngest person in my neighborhood. There's a woman a few doors down with agoraphobia who might be younger, but I don't think so. Of course, one so rarely catches a glimpse of her that calling her a neighbor is sort of stretching it. I don't know what time they go to bed. I never noticed.

Nellie and John, both 88, go to bed about 6pm. They get up a few times to deal with the bowling ball chihuahua's bladder... and stay up from about 4am. Barb and Ted are in their mid-sixties. She's nearly blind and can't sit on the porch all night reading and smoking now because she can't see well enough to read anymore and the doctor told her smoking is making her degenerative vision thing worse. She believed him. Her vision got worse anyway. Of course.

Anyway, the ones closest to my house are the ones with the maniacal dachshund, the putz who can't make her shut up and his wife, the woman who thinks such a thing is impossible and that I'm a hussy for gardening barefoot. They are probably closer to 70 than Barb and Ted. They watch TV every evening until after the eleven o'clock news. They have been trading off heart attacks for about the last year. They always happen in the middle of the night... between about 1am and 4am. Both of them.

So, since I had that absolutely spectacularly total nap yesterday, I was up all night... watching movies. It started raining pretty good there around midnight or so. This was darn pleasant because it warmed up considerably for it. Very peaceful. I was enjoying life, laughing at the funny parts, not dwelling on how unacceptably we seem to be "progressing"....

I heard the loud engine of the tank they call an ambulance. I don't know which of them it was this time. I don't know if it was another small one or the big one. I know I feel sorry for them. I know one of me wishes to go give them my phone number and tell them they can rely on me for whatever. I know I wish I were not such a bitch about their complete failure as dog owners, their stupid kitsch they call a patio and garden, and her idiotic ideas of decency. I wish it were not so apparent I'd like them to evaporate. I'm sorry for their pain and fear and ineptitude. I don't want any of them to suffer like this....


So, now that I'm up, I get to see the headlines, figure it all out again.

Obama's Drone Warfare is Murder

Was Mossad Behind the Alps Murders?

Demagoguery Substitutes for Debate ...

et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Ya think? Buncha Einsteins out there on the tubes....