Not only have I been enduring a long dark night of the soul as it bears on personal hygiene to accomplish a better state of balance with all my commensal critters, which seems to be working out well for me, but I have now begun brushing my teeth with xylitol toward the same end. I have eliminated wheat from my diet. I'm remembering to take my tyrosine supplements. I do not eat anything with corn syrup or hydrogenated oils in it if I can possibly determine they're in there.
I'm feeling noticeably better. And the xylitol? Wow. Instantly one notices a distinctly improved situation in there. I can't get over it. After brushing with it just once you feel like you've just gotten back from getting your teeth cleaned.
My pits don't stink! After a few weeks I didn't think I could take being near me. I thought I was crazy. I thought I wasn't going to make it. Well, sorry, I have been sticking my nose in my pits every few days over the last few weeks and the stink has been getting less and less. It isn't there today. It's still there a tiny bit if I wipe my hand across my armpit and then sniff my hand, which cuts the distance from a few inches to less than one inch, but it's definitely on its way to gone.
The general state of ninesitude is on its way up.