Today is even hotter than yesterday. I am wet all over, which would be fine if it cooled me off....
I think I have neglected to mention to you that I decided to try not bathing to see if it improved my general state of health. It's been almost two months since I took a shower and over a month since my hair was washed. I'm trying to let the bacteria on my body resolve back to a normal balance. The chemicals from the water and the soaps kill off the good ones.
I stink less now than I did a couple weeks into it, but, well, I feel awfully sticky and murky. My dry skin is feeling much better. I'm feeling much better. I'm not as out of it. I try not to get too near when other people are around. And try to keep my clothes clean.
But maybe I'm making myself a really awful catch 22 here. What happens if I start feeling so good I will become afraid to bathe? Cave in China. I think that's the only way.