My left eye has been threatening to blow out of my head again this last week, after some time of not bothering me, but whenever it happens it plays havoc with my contact lens thing. I can still pretty much get around without running into walls without visual correction, but everything is spectacularly blurry and I can see your face well enough to recognize you if you stand about four feet away... no closer... no further. Otherwise, I just have to fill in people's faces with movie stars or pure imagination.
It's raining again today, after a couple gorgeous days only a little too warm for my taste. I can at my desk with only medium difficulty see my monitor in my plus fives, and from bed with some plus fours. I can read a book if I wear both together. Since I think plenty of rest is the ticket with the exploding eye syndrome, it's raining, I can't see to do anything intricate... I'm enjoying this playlist on a sort of coming and going basis....