I am pretty sure that if you frequent my blog you already have seen this bit of news. I'm pretty sure that if you frequent my blog you already know Haida Gwaii is sacred ground for me. All these years since I've been there have not dulled my ache to just live there for the rest of time.
I was upset by this piece in a bunch of unnamable ways, but the worst was the big brian-blanking ball of confusion such dissonance causes. I am deeply, deeply suspicious of our ability to act responsibly on behalf of living things. I am worried that some fuckster of living things has brainwashed the band council. I can't really get a bead on this because there are so many big emotions blocking clarity.
So I decided to go to HAIDA GWAII for some input. I am going to rely on my knowledge that the elders will do whatever they can see to help the ocean. There can be no one left on earth who doesn't see it needs help.
We might feel we are too stupid and we should just leave it to our mother, but we also might feel we have harmed her too egregiously and we should do what we can to help her.
I trust the indians more than the United Nations, and especially as presented through the Guardian. So. I'm sorry it took me this long to talk about it, but it's just been too near. I had to drop the sense of emergency first.