You are being watched.
At home, and at WORK.
Just in case you've been sleeping over the last thirty years, I wanted to post this reminder. The part about work has been known from the git, but maybe younger people didn't get the memo and went to work thinking they were completely safe from oversight on their work computers. But, the same is true for all computers, all electronic devices. If you have them, whatever you do on them is on your record the moment they choose to compile one on you.
So, if this has not sunk in as actuality yet, you will want to upgrade your mental processes to include this. And if you do not want others to keep talking with you as though you are the same person they met, wish to somehow pretend you aren't that person anymore, you have to make this clear to them... which, of course, involves making it clear to the authorities, too, but hey, don't let that stop you.
Do you read me? The authorities, weather governmental or professional, have access to everything you do on your computer, your phone, your cell phone, your TV, your car, your drivers license, your credit cards, your passport... probably even your alarm clock and refrigerator. Anything with a barcode on it, too. Or a chip in it.
Your medical records are digitized so that they are accessible to whomever accesses them. The cops who come to haul you off will know about your appendectomy and herpes.
There should, by now, be black market businesses that can somehow make your car run without its computer, and scan it for chips that need to be removed. There are probably people out there who can build you a computer that won't allow them to collect information from it because it is hooked to a modem... or that will switch IDs so often it won't look like the same machine. Same gig for your iPhone, etc. But that will take money, and you will worry the people offering the services are agents.
If you want to be a terrorist, don't tell anybody, and don't join a terrorist organization because every last one of them was started by fascist fucks who want global control. There is not now, nor probably has there ever been, a terrorist organization there for the stated purposes. Besides, terrorism is the wrong kind of not nice for your purposes anyway.
If you don't want people to know you have a bad disk in your neck, don't complain about it online, and don't go to the doctor. Lump it. If you want to scream gales of paranoid invective on your friends for not knowing it wasn't okay to talk about it anymore, you definitely have succumbed to the fear mongering. You need to go camping someplace gorgeous for a month or two.
I warned a long time ago that a fascist shift means people you thought were friends will turn into enemies, even though people you never suspected would give you a drop of solidarity will also show up. Terrified people are irrational. They slip into fight or flight and there is nothing they won't do to provide themselves with a moment's respite from the pressure of it. Those people will rat you out for even purely imaginary transgressions in an effort to proactively ward off suspicion of themselves.
We are very close. When people start becoming angry with you over nothing, over imaginary stuff, or telling you that they don't trust you, they are announcing to you that you are not their friend anymore, that they are circling their wagons and you are not in that circle. You are henceforth fair game.
This happened in Germany. This happened in Eastern Europe. This has happened in every place where a totalitarian state came into power. If you think it's different here, look at yourself.