Ben Fulford recently reported that there was a meeting between Japan and China over these islands and they agree that they disagree, but they also agree that they're not going to war over it. Maybe it was just more of his asshole peacemongering, his bullshit antiterror crusade.
And we've still got all this Arab Fall crap in full flower. TARPLEY thinks they're trying to Carterize Odroner.
NETANYAHU must mean a dirty bomb because 20% enrichment is just below medical grade.
All in all, they think we're imbeciles, and they want WWIII.
Or then there's the ECONOMIC angle.
And we should not forget the involvement of GOOGLE...
Is google a front for something more?... as Mister North has mentioned in the comments on that other post.
Their policy on content...
We encourage free speech and defend everyone’s right to express unpopular points of view. But we don’t permit hate speech (speech which attacks or demeans a group based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and sexual orientation/gender identity).
That Islam porn video has over 65000 dislikes twice that of the people that liked it, and I'm sure it's been reported at least that many times, yet it remains, hmmmm. All from a company that would take down a copy-written vid in minutes.
I'm kind of glad that they nixed my account on YT, makes me wonder why ALL OF A SUDDEN they insisted I add my phone number to my account!!! When actually, the only thing I used YT for was to comment here, and collect a few music videos that I like. I haven't signed into my YT account for at least six months. Is that the unusual activity they're talking about?
No wonder their products are free?
So, now, let us not be in any doubt who it is fomenting this stupefyingly loud drumbeat for global incineration. As Celente points out. They. Are. Not. Human.
I do not like THIS guy one little bit. His world view—like Hillary doing "an excellent job"—sucks. He does, however, by all accounts, know whereof he speaks on the geopolitical scene.
I may be forced to resubscribe to Alex's YouTube channel behind this crap. I still have not found a decent alternative. I wish to hell we could have InfoWars without the Alex part... no... not without him, just without him on camera. He's just too fucking loud and interrupting and actually muddying the very stuff he's trying to bring to us. It drives me nuts and that's hard to deal with just now, okay?