just had some kind of mushroom

[click image]


Logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead.

Here's some fallout from interviewing JAN IRVIN, whose strident, strident, strident attacks on the genesis of the psychedelic movement are angering stoners everywhere.

That's the problem. Irvin very obviously has no experience with the kind of people he's saying were plants of the evilarchy, no experience with rich and chic people, or he wouldn't be as strident about it. He'd make a more nuanced case, something easier for your basic sixties relic to sink into. He's damn impressed with his discovery that the power elite have deliberately dumbed us down, and any disagreement with him is met with his rote response that we haven't looked at his research material. We're religionists who only believe and opine in place of intellectual rigor, have no facts, waste his time.

So along to refute it is Simon Powell. A stoner. Fine.

I wish I could fix this.

While I think Jan Irvin has exposed the pipeline through which our revolution was neutralized, he's dead wrong about a lot of it. I don't know how old he is, but he's so ego/testosterone-addled I can't believe he's over thirty... and he seems to me to have been shunned socially or just from a really rough part of town because he seems incapable of understanding that stuff he can find out now, retrospectively, would not at all have been apparent or had the influence he thinks it did at the time. He can barely allow as how Terence McKenna, for one, might not have been an actual agent, and in fact defaults to the notion that he was... McKenna an evil-intentioned eugenics groupie.


If the word "Esalen" crops up in anything he reads, it's as though it were the word "Gestapo" or "Satan". Fucking awesome. Oh, yeah, your quadrivium has certainly cleared things all the way up for us, Jan. Jesus.

I knew some of these guys. It wasn't like that. Not. At. All. It was a bunch of guys who wanted name and fame for having fun, for doing what they wanted, just exactly like Jan Irvin. He does not understand the mechanism of co-option. I tried to point it out to him in the very video he linked to try to help make his case about the nefarious influence that turned post-WWII America into this.

I heavily recommend you get to THAT VIDEO. It's the geezer in about the middle of it, Heinz von Forester—you could skip to 1:04 on the video if you don't mind missing all the other wonderful stuff in the video—and he gives the game away... if you hear him deeply and contemplate who he was and the implications of him saying what he was saying. It was akin to Rove telling us that all we could do is record what they do, only not at all as nastily. He was expressing how they work this... how fluid and flexible the means to their ends can be and are, because truth is as it is and we are as we are.

They can't be beaten from here. You have to get up there to wrest their power from them.

Irvin equates a desire for a less populated planet with a genocidal impulse. That's so fucking puerile you might understand why I can't believe he's much beyond college age. He also equates "humanism" with eugenics, the Nazi kind. This is a damn shame because he might have come up with the kind of information all of us can use to get somewhere in this mess we call "the world", and all I can do is tell you he's got some good stuff but you need to ignore him and pay attention to the information.

As for Powell, he was the wrong choice for dealing with the problem. I've said a thousand times that taking psychedelics is not awakening. Their best use by serious people is to find out that this is not the limit of consciousness, that there are other states of mind that yield much more cogent insight into actuality. If we were in a different social structure, say, a Native American one, it might be good for more, because the whole culture would support what was found in the psychedelic experience. This is obviously not Simon Powell's position. More is better and he's stoned.

Everyone seems to be missing completely that one can get all this without drugs, without mushrooms or cactus or LSD. And should because it is vital to pulling humanity out of hell.