when the going gets weird...

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Peggy and Jim have recently added a seriously nice deck to this house. Beautiful yard furniture. An elegant picnic table, with a very nice umbrella to shade whatever yer doing at it. Lots of comfy seating. Really nice for when I go out for a cigarette.

Well, the umbrella just reached lift off. There's been a bit of a breeze from due east for the past couple days. This is outrageous. Completely outrageous. But never mind. It's just a gentle little breeze. No biggie. Except a huge green umbrella just lifted up off its moorings in the center of the picnic table and, luckily, just flopped down on the deck itself without ripping up the furniture or knocking over any potted plants.

Don't ask me. I'm only the dog's harridan. Turning pro.


I just love it!

It's a waving particle.

That was my first response to that stupid question. I was rebuffed. No, no, I was wrong. Too simplistic. Not scientific. Not explaining the double slit results. Why not? Ocean waves are nothing but a shitload of particles waving, are they not? They are. I kept at it. This is not so impossible to reconcile. I was unable to settle the matter.

I tried to settle it just for myself, but people waxing scientific continually brought up this so-called conundrum. Somewhere along the line I just stopped fighting it. I have never bought into it all the way, but have just tried to use this basic non-conundrum to make other points, ones that don't piss people off by injecting my waving particle nonsense.

It's not a void. It's ether. Where it is smooth, it only appears to be a vacuum.

Space is filled with waving particles.

If the ether flux were to cease, everything would dematerialize.

