i was going to post this last night

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But I needed to stew about it longer.

I almost didn't post it at all because it is really boring and the same old explication of the fractional reserve system that I may be flattering myself we all understand in its every grim detail by now. I'm forever peeved by this endless repetition, reminded of all the times I tried to endure university classes that would take one clause of one stick of whatever subject and spend three hours belaboring without adding anything to what was said in the lecturer's first breath... years of schedule hassles and expense and keggers to duck just to keep thinking you're going to hear something good... but never do. Literally, three-hour lectures where not even a whole sentence gets out and the entire time is spent clarifying its meaning to the dolts in the rows.

I have to stress that I'm not making this up. I know professors look all erudite and stuff and make for some pretty riveting drama at the movies, but in practice, dudes, I would make the toughest lecturer in whatever school, just by getting a whole sentence out and getting it behind us to concentrate on the next. Okay? Don't argue. I was there. It's true.

The one thing new to me was Still's declaration that the whole thing about EO 11110 is an urban myth. What? I read it! Or I sure thought I was reading it. I remember going to read it and wanting a good source for it. As I recall I had to get a summary off a government site and the entire text off a university site. I read it. More than once. It wasn't about silver certificates. But now it is.

I know I've mentioned this problem with researching online before, but it bears a short repeat now. You are falling for a sick ruse when you freak out about internet regulation. The system of pipes is the tool for indoctrination of all time. It outstrips the boob tube because everyone who isn't a boob goes online to find things out. Once online they get told what the PTB want told... on any of the sites enjoying any measure of popularity large enough to bother with... despite their reputation for hard-hitting journalism or bold adherence to truth.

And, wheresoever there is accidentally left extant troublesome information, it goes away. It might suddenly just not be there anymore, all links broken, or, !!!, it might have morphed into what it wasn't to begin with... anywhere extant... and there's bubkes you can do about it but become monsterly confused and vexed.

I refuse. I read it. I do not know what has happened. Kennedy's 1963 EO 11110 is not what it was a few years ago. Who can say which one was real?

No. Really, I remember Joseph Farrell saying he even remembers the bills with the red print on them. I read the executive order.




I know it's long, but it is indisputably the best explanation of our economic travesty for your basic person, Still's real claim to fame. People who fancy themselves savvy about the market and finances don't realize half the vital stuff in this documentary.

It demolishes the idea that gold-backed currency is an answer.

It demolishes the idea that your average citizen can hedge against the crash by owning silver and gold. In a nutshell, metals only help at the very start of a depression, and are quickly confiscated with the ruse of using them to recover from the depression. This means that the only ones who can make it on metals are the ones who know when the crash will start and quickly use their metals to buy up other assets. Metals will not feed you in a major depression.

It demolishes a lot of other mistaken ideas. It needs updating, but it's darn impeccable for use in straightening out your head. This is not something you can do once and call good. Your mental conditioning will kick back in sooner or later, and almost unerringly immediately, so one should bookmark the link and resolve to spend the time on it at least every three months until one's conditioning finally gives way to sense and stays that way.