i think i just snapped

[click image]


It was this line:
Work is now continuing to make sure a US court can be given clear jurisdiction on [the Keenan] case so that an un-corruptible judge can finally deliver justice.

I had to listen to Henrik and Jan Irvin twice before enough of it sank in. There was a lot to disagree with in there—and more backbiting, with at least a little basis for it this time—but there were also some really important points in it.

The most important takeaway was the reminder of the PTB's controlled opposition jones. They are so good at it by now that most people can't tell at all. Some just won't hear of it because it makes them feel too stupid, but a tiny few can suss the "intensity of these clues" and wake up.

Fat lot of good it does them, or the world, but they exist.

As long as you keep living for money, using it, finding justice in its exchange, being moved by it, measuring yourself or others by it, using your lack of it to stick out like a lower lip, whining about the rotten turns ruining your fiscal integrity, the works, "they" can control any opposition you care to mount.

I am reminded of John John's George. How did he do that? Nobody can do that. They have to turn into Amy Goodman or Alex Cockburn because they can't do that. Does anyone think John John actually lost control of his plane?

People, my mother, others, ask me why, when I'm so "brilliant" and "talented", have I not produced something transcendent, become rich and famous, fixed the world. Because I won't compromise it—nullify it—from the git by making the concessions for the startup money. Every goddam time. I won't and "they" don't stop putting that vicious English on it. Not once. Every goddam time I rise, that sick cue ball is immediately on its way.

This is the entire explanation for why I have been bleating for my Wealthy Socialist Gentleman all these years. You think I'm a gold digger. No, no, I'm hot to get myself assassinated. Quit selling me short.

So I have been more patient with Ben's eccentricities than anyone I know, because I can tell he wants a beautiful world for all living things; he has forged a way to right livelihood; he would not let even the prestige of his job with Forbes stand in the way of his vision, his allegiance to truth and love and wellness for all sentient beings. All that he says happened to him, happened. He's not a liar.

It has bothered me for long that he keeps stumping for globalism... not their globalism, but ours. Maybe he wouldn't end up like John John, but his globalism would end up their globalism immediately. No matter what. Even if we made it good enough to set them back a century or two, they'd have control immediately and what they did would only seem to be progress to us.

They'd make sure we called what they did "progress".

We'd still be slaves. People would still be slaughtered so some could live like royalty, even though we could make it so everyone lived like royalty. That is the kernel of it, how you know psychopaths run the world. Everyone living like royalty completely defeats the psychopaths' reasons to live. They will not be defeated until we learn to treat them like ESKIMOS treat their psychopaths. Truth and reconciliation doesn't work on psychopaths. They will respect it only if they can't live through not feigning respect for it. When the guard drops, they'll be right there again, calling it something else. And we will too! Not, not, not because it is that! No, but because it's less obtrusive than to call them on it. Less dangerous.

It's HORSESHIT. You do not get a wonderful life because you spew horseshit instead of truth. You get horseshit, and heartache, and suffering, and death, and a completely fucked up planet because you cannot call stuff what it isn't and make it so. No, that way you can only get a bunch of jackasses agreeing with you while the world burns down.

You putz!

Why do I dwell on this one snatch of the teaching? Why does it keep being the silver stake I drive through your forehead? What you only call things rules the world. Your obedient calling of things pampers vicious, vicious, vicious psychopaths and nothing whatever else comes of it, frantic as you are to keep it up. What you only call anything is not the thing itself. How else do you come to live on Planet Orwell? Think!

For fucksakes, think.

Actuality is going on all around you all the time. The truth of this coffee is I just drank a cup. Not, not, not that I'm an avid coffee drinker! If I were as avid as I say I am, I'd be a coffee farmer! Doesn't matter if I don't think that covers it. We can say anything, call anything anything we like. It is not dealing with the real. It is not life! It's horseshit.

If you take out so much time to defend yourself against the pathetic truth, it is only wasting your life, not a defense against truth. I was hoodwinked! I'm not so smart. I've been a dumb ox with a high IQ! Might as well have gone off to a home for the mentally handicapped and spared myself this horrific existential humiliation.

Except, except what does that do for living things?

It subtracts from them!

That is all. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? If you can't assimilate the truth and live up to it, you have done nothing but TAKE from the world, no matter how hard you work or avoid work, no matter how much or how little money you make. No matter what you only call it.

You breathe air. You eat food. Living things are slaughtered and oppressed to death to keep you happening. Even if yer a motherfucking vegetarian!

It isn't only that we must Eskimo the psychopaths. We have to get clear, clear, clear on reality itself or this world is what we get. You can't keep calling this "wuwu" or "religion" or whatever the fuck you only call it to avoid getting to it... including that you are too busy surviving.

You have to stop being separate from everything, stop using words to snake out of living truly. You don't just use your sophistry to avoid being seen as wrong. No. You use it for everything! You are a pathetic excuse mill passing as "only human". You keep telling stories! You keep identifying as what you do for a living, or what you feel is a worthy avocation, or what you would like to be identified with.

People leapt on Rumi. You're a poet! He scoffed that he was not even interested in poetry. He was poetry. He never stopped pouring out his heart to help us, to live truly in the world, to give even better than he got. He didn't run around spewing his story to everyone so that they would think he was a nice spiritual Sufi. He ran around spewing truth to everyone so that they would see that recondite thing that has never not been right here.

So. It could be that I have just lost patience with Ben's Thing. I know that seems harsh for just one line, but, well, it's a damn doozy. Ben obviously thinks he can call US judges "un-corruptible" and win the argument.

What does that do for the world?

Where does that leave actuality?